P4 Rm13 mrs moncrieff
Mrs Moncrieff teaches us in Primary 4 and we enjoy a morning challenge or activity to help us settle and be ready for our school day. We agreed our promises and created our class charter together to enable a sense of ownership of our classroom and learning environment. We understand our rights that help keep us all included, happy and safe.
We are fabulous Job Squad class monitors and enjoy having responsibility to help look after our classroom and learning areas.
We apply ourselves every day across the curriculum and enjoy Charanga music. We also enjoy exploring literacy, numeracy and maths, taking part in P.E and reflecting on our learning each week.
We enjoy learning PE with Mr Wright on a Wednesday and art with Mrs Watt on a Thursday.
We are developing our writing skills and making sure we can talk about it before we write it during our We Write Blether prior to writing. We are very excited to part of the National Improvement in Writing initiative this year.
We are working hard to develop and demonstrate our Oracy skills working in pairs and trios, building Talk Towers with our tokens, applying relevant vocabulary, super sentences and working our way up the listening ladder.
Our King of Kindness is our class mascot, and we earn pompoms for demonstrating kindness. We are awarded House Points for being Ready Respectful and Safe, fabulous individuals and showing kindness towards others when we are out in the playground.
We and Mrs Moncrieff love recognising and celebrating our achievements and sharing these on our recognition board and receiving proud cloud notes for home.
We gain stickers, proud clouds, certificates, weekly star award, literacy and numeracy stars as well as the Team of the Week trophy and top table jar!