Welcome to our Nursery
Welcome to Nursery
Our nursery provides meaningful play experiences for children aged 2–5. Our environment is open plan with free flow access to the garden throughout the day. Children have the opportunity to choose where and how they would like to learn.
Staff work together to ensure all children are given a Roaring Start in their learning and development. We provide opportunities to help develop children’s learning through fun and engaging activities. Children are involved in planning their learning and help to make decisions about their experiences.
Through play, children develop skills in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing. Children have the opportunity to share time together and learn about themselves and other people.
We offer a range of family learning opportunities to allow parents to understand how children develop. Our parents are involved in making decisions about the nursery and are regularly invited for ‘Stay and Play’ sessions, PEEP Learning Together groups and Bookbug sessions. We now offer Additional Support Needs and English as an Additional Language Bookbug sessions too.
Learning in our nursery is fun and challenging. Children are supported and encouraged by experienced staff who understand how children develop. We track children’s progress towards achieving their developmental milestones and offer intervention groups of support and work alongside outside agencies where necessary.
Children make great use of the nursery space as well as the local environment. We take groups of children to Westbank every week where they can experience extended periods of outdoor play and learning.
For further information, please have a look at our Nursery Handbook